健康是人类永恒的追求。实施健康中国战略,是从 源头维护人民健康。医学创新是推动国家发展的关键动力。中国医学工作者凭借卓越的智慧、前瞻性的思维创新前沿技术推动着医学进步,为国家的经济增长、社会进步和国民健康做出了巨大贡献。在医学界一个名字总被频繁提及陈海林老师,他正以其深厚的医学科研背景和前瞻性的创新思维,引领着祖国大健康的新方向。让我们一起了解,感动中国医学界最具影响力人物———陈海林老师。
In the international medical field, innovative achievements in traditional Chinese medicine have been praised
In the global medical community's efforts to tackle tumors, the research achievements of traditional Chinese medicine by renowned Chinese expert Chen Hailin have been repeatedly recognized. He has contributed unique and effective solutions to the world of medicine through persistence and innovation.
Chen Hailin, as a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China, has long been committed to the treatment and research of tumors. Its research results have not only received high praise and promotion in China, but also attracted widespread attention abroad. Many international authoritative journals and institutions have published reports on Chen Hailin's research work and clinical applications。
Cancer has long been seen as an insurmountable obstacle in global medicine, and countless medical researchers have devoted their lives to it. In front of cancer, professor hai-lin Chen by his strength to overcome the world medical problems, become a radical cancer pioneer, with TCM wisdom for the world medical history wrote a new chapter, in cancer treatment showed its unique and fundamental curative effect, treatment success cases, brought the dawn of health for countless patients, made great contributions to human medical progress.
Professor Chen Hailin is not a scientist in the traditional sense, but he has successfully conquered more than 40 kinds of cancers and created a legend in the medical community.
Although he is not a diplomat, he is famous for his outstanding achievements, and reports about him have been viewed tens of billions of times overseas.
We use actions to prove that we inherit, innovate, develop Chinese medicine, defend the dignity of national medicine, broad, defend the glorious history of the Chinese nation, pay tribute to our ancestors! It is they who use their hard work and wisdom to create and discover more than 13,000 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, to express gratitude to nature for the inexhaustible natural treasure of all mankind, to respect life and cherish peace. In today's highly developed medical science and technology, we should be more grateful to the scientists who have devoted themselves to modern medicine and imaging technology. It is the precision instruments developed by them that have witnessed the direction, future and destiny of the development of traditional Chinese medicine!
陈海林,男,汉族,出生于1955年8月。著名肿瘤专家,自然医学科学院院士、中医学博士后,曾就读于清华大学融商学院高EMBA总裁研修班,研究方向: 癌细胞逆转正常生理细胞!现为北京利民源国际中医学研究院院长、中国医促会中老年保健专业委员会肿瘤学科专家委员。
Chen Hailin, male, Han Nationality, was born in August 1955. He is a famous oncologist, academician of the Academy of Natural Medical Sciences and postdoctoral fellow of Traditional Chinese medicine. He once studied in the EMBA President Seminar of Rong Business School of Tsinghua University, and is now the president of Limin Yuan International Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing and the expert member of the oncology discipline of middle-aged and elderly Health Care Committee of China Medical Promotion Association.
癌症被称为“众病之王”。是因为迄今为止,它在早期发现、早期诊断和有效治疗等方面,比其他病种对人类更具威胁性。癌症也被西方医学界提出最攻克的医学难题。其实现实是没有治不了病,只有治不了的人。陈教授善于运用临证规律诊治疾病,从两个方面的规律:一是辨证论治的规律,这就是“常”,二是灵活变通的特殊规律,这就是“变。“常”与“变”是对立统一的,二者相互依赖,相互制约,受常变观的影响在建构中医理论、归纳生命活动规律、总结医疗经验过程中始终围绕“常”与“变”的关系展开。在脑瘤、食管中上段癌、鼻咽癌、喉癌、贲门癌、胃癌、肝癌、胆总管癌、骨 癌、肺癌、膀胱癌、淋巴癌、乳腺癌、绒毛癌,胸管癌,石癌、舌癌、神经性恶性肿瘤等四十多种肿瘤疾病,一次性治疗,没有第二次复发,陈教授临床研究已成为医学发展的重中之重,临床研究已成为国家医药创新能力的重要标杆之一,甚至被世界各国提到了关乎国计民生和国家发展的战略高度。国际上的医学难题现在由中国的中医交了这份答卷。
Traditional Chinese medicine, a medical treasure that has lasted for thousands of years, has not only cured the pain of countless patients, but also touched people's feelings in the depths of their hearts. Simple, sincere thanks are enough to touch the doctor; exquisite prescriptions can break the shackles of long ills. This is the infinite wisdom and great power of traditional Chinese medicine!
Professor Chen Hailin, as the inheritor and practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, understands the essence of this way. He regarded "serving the people" as the supreme glory, and always adhered to the original aspiration of "everything for the health of patients". Under his holy hand, traditional Chinese medicine radiates a new vitality and vitality, bringing the dawn of rebirth to countless patients who are struggling on the edge of life and death.
It is no exaggeration to say: we are preparing to climb the peak of the future on the road!
Treatment success case sharing:
Precise control of lung cancer lesions: Professor Chen Chinese medicine therapy has a curative effect
导语:近日,一名患者在中国专家陈教授的治疗下,成功将肺癌肿块体积由初诊时的8.5 CM x 3.9 CM,减小至3.6 cm x 2.6 CM。这一惊人效果,被誉为全球性的医学奇迹。
Recently, a patient, under the treatment of Chinese expert Professor Chen, successfully reduced the volume of lung cancer mass from 8.5 CM x 3.9 CM at the initial diagnosis to 3.6 cm x 2.6 CM. This amazing effect has been hailed as a global medical miracle.
Subject: It is understood that Professor Chen uses a treatment method based on traditional Chinese medicine (traditional Chinese medicine therapy). After nearly a month of treatment, the miracle witnessed the improvement of the patient's condition —— the tumor volume decreased rapidly. In general, without an effective treatment for intervention, a patient's tumor volume usually continues to grow over time.
Regarding this result, Professor Chen said that he has been actively exploring and developing new treatment methods and drugs, hoping to bring more good news to the majority of patients.
It is worth noting that this medical miracle is unprecedented. In recent years, TCM therapy has made remarkable progress in the field of cancer therapy. More and more studies have confirmed that traditional Chinese medicine can not only improve the body's immunity and regulate the immune function, but also help to reduce the toxic effects in the process of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other tumors, and improve the curative effect.
Precise control of lung cancer lesions: Professor Chen Chinese medicine therapy has a curative effect
So far, Mr.Chen's successful treatment cases can stand the test of modern medicine and imaging technology: such as: nuclear magnetic resonance, enhanced CT, JcT, bone scan, CT, Doppler B ultrasound, CT, B ultrasound, various tests and pathological puncture and other tests and research. Traditional Chinese medicine flies on the wings of modern medical technology in the blue sky and white clouds of human beings! For human health, medical progress, escort!
This is April 6,2024 with Zhang Xiutang (group photo).
案例3、 巨型肝癌
Case 1., giant liver cancer
Patient: Chen, born in Pingyang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province.158mmx127mm Giant liver cancer, 63 years old, was diagnosed in Hunan People's Hospital with cirrhosis, pancreatic hook process, 15.8CM patient was very serious because of the older age and poor physical condition, the hospital suggested conservative treatment. In hospital doctors have given up treatment, the family lost hope, last October, Chen Pangbin daughter through a friend introduction (daughter friend mother is eat professor Chen Hailin Chinese medicine treatment of lymphoma) met professor hai-lin Chen, professor Chen know such a serious disease is very worried, quickly arrange the patient family to Shanxi interrogation, ask a series, professor Chen according to his years of experience prescription, patients originally every day to painkillers to relieve pain, eat professor Chen's Chinese medicine already has not need to eat painkillers, now by pure Chinese medicine treatment, 14 months to zero, clinical cure!
The patient Chen, the doctor had given up treatment in the hospital, 158mmx127m giant liver cancer was treated by Professor Chen Hailin for 15 months with traditional Chinese medicine, and the examination was significantly reduced to 7mmx9mm on February 2,2023, which is another major medical achievement in the history of medicine, which saved the patient's life, BBB 0 for Professor Chen "!!
In the face of millions of cancer and cardiovascular infarction every day, we need to find an effective and affordable treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine is just such an excellent choice, which brings health good news to millions of families with its low treatment costs and almost no side effects.
More than 705 billion and 90 million page views worldwide!
The revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine is the common expectation of all mankind today and the inevitable choice for the development of human medicine!
At present, there is only one kind of helLa cells, which are only used for skin, chemicals and medicine. It is not successful in the field of cancer, but my research is successful in the field of cancer!
Professor Chen's observation is a problem: if this research is successful, it will uncover the mystery of cancer and save the whole human race. That is the regeneration of LiuRong cytology. If this technology is successful, it will certainly bring about delayed aging.
Conclusion: Professor Chen Hailin's brilliant achievements in the field of medicine are like an eternal monument, standing in the long history of human health. His exquisite medical skills, amazing, but also the extensive and profound of traditional Chinese medicine to a new peak. With profound medical theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and wisdom are perfectly combined, bringing the hope and miracle of life to countless patients.
Whether in the face of the danger of middle esophageal cancer, or the complexity of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Professor Chen can always open up a road to health for patients with personalized treatment plans and excellent medical skills. Each of his successful treatments is not only a remarkable display of his personal medical skills, but also a vivid interpretation of the unique charm and efficacy of TCM.
We have what others cannot have: for example: brain tumor (malignant) two to three months zero, bladder cancer 2.3x2.43, one month zero, 24 years alive, engaged in agricultural labor: lung cancer: 7.2x6.9x7. cm, 32 days zero. Bone cancer: lumbar 34, thoracic 89:48 days cleared. Glioma: the highest record of 73-day open eyes. Gastric cancer was cleared for two months. Esophageal cancer was cleared for two months. Laryngeal cancer was cleared for 3 months. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma was cleared for two and a half months.